Saturday, June 5, 2010

Raising Chickens 101: Mating Chickens

Small farms often have a young rooster also called a cockerel. Its smart to only have one cockerel or else they would get jealous of each other and fight over the hens.

Mating is usually year round but chickens don’t seem to mate as much in winter. A rooster will mate every two or three days, mating with many different hens.

During the day, the cockerel prances around fluffing his feathers, showing off to the hens. When a hen wants to make, she lays down on the ground. The rooster climbs onto her back from behind and spreads his wings out for balance.

Afterwards, the hen has fertilized eggs inside her. Only eggs that have been fertilized by a rooster will eventually grow into chicks. If the eggs are not fertilized, they are safe to eat.

Build A Chicken Coop In 3 Days