Thursday, May 20, 2010

Raising Chickens 101: Where Do Chickens Live?

Chickens are domestic birds. Dogs and cats are also domestic. You can usually find chickens on farms. They provide eggs and meat for the farmers.

On many farms, chickens can roam free during the day, and sleep peacefully inside the safety of a chicken coop at night. This keeps them away from foxes and other hunger predators. There are several different shapes and sizes of coops, each having different advantages. Some coops have runs. Runs are fenced in areas connected to the coop which allow chickens to roam in a certain amount of space given. All chicken coops protect chickens from the cold and wet weather outside and have nesting boxes for hens to lay their eggs.

Sometimes, farmers decide to let their chickens live outside. Chickens that are allowed to do this are called free-range. They get plenty of sun and fresh air during the day as well as shelter when they need it. These chickens are fed by farmers but also have the ability to search for food on their own.

Chickens are sometimes even kept in large chicken farms where thousands of chickens are crowded together in factory-like sheds. These chickens live in here their entire life and never get to feel the warmth of the sun or see the wonder of seasons. This is very unnatural.

Build A Chicken Coop In 3 Days