Saturday, April 17, 2010

Raising Chickens 101: Hatching Into Young Chicks

A couple of days before the baby chick hatches, you can here cheeps coming out of the egg. The hen waits, excited to see her new baby.

The day comes for the chick to start hatching. It’s a very hard job for the chick. It first has to peck a line down the center of the egg. Then, the chick has to peck through that line even harder and then actually get out of the egg. It can take up to 14 hours for this process.

The chick comes out wet. After a couple of hours, the fluffy, yellow coat will dry.

Once the baby chick is out of its egg, it waits for its siblings. All the chicks take a really long nap when they are all together. They don’t get too hungry because they still have some food left in them from when they were in the egg.

When the chicks finally wake up, they start exploring and getting some food.

Check Out ====> Build A Chicken Coop In 3 Days